Saturday, September 3, 2011

Guy at a bar-"So where you from?" Me- "JC Chilltown kid, smart!"

Oh Jersey City! I have left you once in 2009! But I swear, my dear, I will never leave you again! Your diverse people, horrible roads, and awesome cuisine! I promise I will never leave again!!! (Until I start making mega dollaz yo!) But for real...I love this place and my new apartment. Oh you didn't know I moved? Well now you do....GET WITH THE PROGRAM!
My new roomie...this might end ugly since she agreed to take this pic. (RIPS LEASE)
So now I am a Jersey City kid with Lisi Vasquez and life has been pretty awesome. I am officially out of the land of Somerset, NJ. Woop Woop! Lisi and I moved in July 5th (officially) after so many epic encounters. We were searching for so many different places, until we walked into the only apartment that provided no photo on the sketchy craigslist website. When we first walked in, we were a little scared because the entrance was odd. But as we continued our tour, we fell in love! The place is quirky, odd, and confused, kinda like us. It.Was.Perfecto. I honestly feel sooo glad to live here :)

As for my job sitch...I got this. Oh why you may ask? Because I also have a new job!!! Yupp errithang new boo boo!!! Yeah I am now employed by the Hyatt Place in Secaucus, and I have to say I love it. Everyone I work with is pretty cool and I totally enjoy their spirit. They accept my silliness and the way I talk, so I totally accept them, We can now be friends....Smart. 

I am also now going to school at Bloomfield College and I have to say, I heart it with a smile. I know this is just puppy love and eventually I will regret what I am saying, but I am just so glad to be back in school. The only thing I dont appreciate is the fact that I am 100000 years old next to these kids. I am surrounded by 17 &18 year olds that have just moved into a dorm and just recently happened to learn the ABC's...and possibly how to wipe their booty. but for realy. My professor told us the other day to have a great weekend and to not get too drunk. And then he followed by.."Ha just kidding! You kids are too young to drink!" And everyone started laughing, and I joined in with a nervous smile, since I am a 21 year old fossil. Lame.

Well that pretty much sums up my life of awesomeness. Life is good and sweet and even though I am still poverty, I will be ok, because I have all of these new elements to keep me happy. Keepin it real like Nene Leaks always...and besos :*

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