Monday, July 8, 2013

Please Don't Hate Me!

Me: So.... Here we are....well this is pretty awkward (Shifts away from the screen and looks down) I didn't expect to see you here.

Blog: F#$@ YOU!

Me: Damn it! I know I said I wouldn't abandon you again, but shit got cray! I'm back baby I promise! (Hugs my screen and looks at it with kind eyes.)

Sorry guys for killing you with that weird beginning, but once again I left my blog, but I am really trying this time to commit a little more. Since I am a journalism major, my ass should be typing up a story every day, I know, but life has just been crazy. I'm back on though I promise! 

So here's an update....(I'm warning you, you might cry after you read all of the crap that has been going on) 

OK...Here we go...

My car was totaled in a car accident because some guy ran a stop sign and the scam insurance company only gave me 75% of my cars value because the Newark police officer drew a messed up description on the police report that kinda helped the other driver. Thanks Newark PD, you guys are always so helpful... So the poor college kid now has to figure out how to get a car with only $3000 bucks...

 I recently found out I have PCOS meaning...well I guess you can call it "mini-cysts" in my ovaries and I had to make some recent changes in my life to help the sitch. So basically I am a full blown vegetarian now, in hopes that this will help my condition. I have been trying to "juice" but unfortunately I have been lacking motivation. I'm just hoping that giving up meat will help out my situation and I can live a healthier lifestyle. 

I am currently working at my school's radio station just archiving and transcribing old material as well as keeping inventory. This job ends this month. I NEED A JOB! I am about to be poor in about to a month, so please guys, if you have any suggestions for new jobs, please let me know!!! I want to preferably do something in the journalism field, but at this point, I think I'm down for everything...maybe even this...

JKJK... I'm not that desperate! (Calls Britney)


It has been a crazy couple of months, but I am just trying to keep my head up. I will keep updating especially because Lisi and I had an epic convo today. I don't wanna leave my blog on an emo note... but I promise, I have a feeling things will get better! (Or else I will be looking like this in the streets of Newark.....)

:* Besos


  1. Ms.Pearls,

    Thought you had forsaken this blog, good to see you back. Seems like 2013 won't be the year of Pearls, you have my sympathy. That being said it's not over yet, I remember when I first met you, you were so naïve and look where you are now, so there's that to look forward to.

    Always remember "You're worth it" 3+16=?

  2. So wanna tell me who you are...finally?

  3. Ms.Pearls,

    Why should I answer your question... When you haven't answered any of mine? 5+16=?

    Reality is just an illusion!

  4. Ms.Pearls,

    You only see with your eyes so you are easily fooled...


    No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If they did they would cease to be an artist!

  5. Yeah I guess I'm not as artistic as I thought.
